Planting a Tree for every order

December 2, 2022


December 2, 2022

What we're doing and how you can get involved?

For every order, we're going to plant a tree. Together we can help rebuild our precious country one tree at a time and make an impact.

But how will you know we've done it?

We'll email you and e-card from a third-party for each tree that has been donated on your behalf. Each card will say it's from us and been donated on your behalf.

Why are we doing this?

Australia declared a climate emergency in September 2019. Bushfires have destroyed over 12 million acres of land during the 2019-2020 bush fire season (the size of Belgium and The Netherlands combined).Over 480 million animals died, with many more left homeless or starving. Thousands of homes destroyed and worst of all, we lost 23 precious lives.

“Together we can make a difference."

We know our responsibility to the environment doesn't stop at just planting a tree!

We know that our actions, are a direct reflection on your business so here’s some noteworthy facts we’re proud to stand by.We source certified, Sustainable Green Printing suppliers, a certification program run by the Printing Industries Association of Australia.We not only focus on waste, but recycling, storage and handling too. We mainly use Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified papers which have been harvested and produced in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. (Did you know that FSC paper actually uses less energy to produce than recycled paper?)We use ‘Waterless Offset Presses’ which eliminates the need for not only water but other chemicals traditionally used in the printing process. This is greener, cleaner and more efficient way of printing than traditional offset as there is no need to use or dispose of chemical fluids.Together, we can make a difference.

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